Frequently Asked Questions

Q) Can everyone do this?

A) 9 out of 10 people can do this. Part of the initial consultation session helps determine if you can. Why wonder or worry, come and try for yourself.

Q) How many sessions will I need?

A) More than 90% of clients will only need three sessions. We are however, all unique with different changes to be made. In the unusual event of any further sessions being required, we will make that decision together, to ensure you get the change you desire.

Q) Will I be asleep on the couch?

A) No. At all times you will be fully awake and conscious, sitting on a chair. This is your change and you should be comfortable, relaxed and involved in the process.

Q) Can I drive after a session?

Definitely. If anything, you will be calmer, more positive and most likely smiling or singing.

Q) How long does each session last?

A) Most will be one hour, but please allow  one and a half hours. As mentioned above, we are all unique with different changes to be made and no two sessions are the same.

Q) Can I bring someone with me?

A) Of course. This can be especially beneficial on the initial consultation when everything is new. This is your change and you should feel comfortable and relaxed at all times.

Q) Previous therapy hasn’t worked, should I try again?

A) Most definitely. Never give up on the chance of happiness. This is one of the best reasons to have the an initial consultation. We can discuss previous attempts and see if your subconscious mind is ready to complete the change this time.

Q) My issues came back after previous therapy, can you help?

A) You won’t know until you try and should never give up. We can explore why previous attempts didn’t stay in place. An initial consultation would be great if you’ve tried previous therapy.

What People Say
“I feel like a different person and I am a much better wife, mother and now positively back in control of my business. Everyone needs a session with Paul, they just don’t know it yet!”
Stacey - Kent

“In the past I have cancelled going to gigs, or I have got there and had to leave the crowd because of my anxiety, but I recently got to see my favourite band at the 02, pushed our way through the crowds to the front and I was fine! It was so cramped and we could barely move or breathe. Old Eloise would have been freaking out, crying and having a horrible time, but new Eloise had anxiety levels of zero and excitement levels of 100!”

"The last few years waking up in the middle of the night & not being able to get back to sleep, was taking its toll. You took the time to listen to me and find out what was causing my anxiety and insomnia. Now I can sleep and get on with my life!"
Sleeping in Seattle!